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storage facility

storage facility 관련정보 안내

storage facility [둔산점]ETS토익실전 열세번째 수업 리뷰(4.18)/ 대전토익어학원 홍쌤토익 홍쌤어학원
(장소명사, 사람명사= 항상 가산) C: lines are being painted on a road.D: construction vehicles are parked in a storage facility. 카페표현 정리 A woman is seating with her legs crossed.People are... storage facility

DEC 16TH READING [11,12,ONE OF 13 류호성 강북중3
storage facility The College has obtained a storage facility of 11800 square feet, some two-tenths of a mile from the main campus.그 대학은 얻어왔다/ 한 저장 창고를/ 11800편방제곱피트의,/몇몇 10분의 2마일 떨어진...

storage facility [둔산점]ETS토익실전 열세번째 수업 리뷰(4.18)/ 대전토익어학원 홍쌤토익 홍쌤어학원
storage facility (장소명사, 사람명사= 항상 가산) C: lines are being painted on a road.D: construction vehicles are parked in a storage facility. 카페표현 정리 A woman is seating with her legs crossed.People are...

storage facility DEC 16TH READING [11,12,ONE OF 13 ] 강북중 김성현
The College has obtained a storage facility of 118,900 square feet, some two-tenths of a mile from the main campus. 그 대학은 얻었다 저장시설을 11,8900평방피티의, 1마일의 약간의 10분의 1 떨어진... storage facility

DEC 16TH READING [11,12,ONE OF 13 류호성 강북중3
The College has obtained a storage facility of 11800 square feet, some two-tenths of a mile from the main campus.그 대학은 얻어왔다/ 한 저장 창고를/ 11800편방제곱피트의,/몇몇 10분의 2마일 떨어진...

DEC 16TH READING [11,12,ONE OF 13 ] 강북중3 김민정
The College has obtained a storage facility of 11,800 square feet, some two-tenths of a mile from the main campus.대학은 얻어온다 창고를 11,800평방피트의, 1마일의 10분의 2인 본관으로 부터.This...

6/4일 숙제 - 박희진
Sometime in the near future, the Benbo College Theat Department will .조만간, 그 B대학 공연장은 할 것이다.The college has obtained a storage facility of 11,800 square feet, some two-tenths of a mile from the...

ETS TOEIC Prep Book 최신개정판 교재 수록 어휘 (Part 1-chapter 2)(1)
차량 storage facility 창고 시설, 저장 시설 water 물을 주다 hold (손에) 잡다, 쥐다, 들다 rake 갈퀴 dig 파다 hole 구멍 pour 붓다, 따르다 drink 마실 것, 음료 point to ~을 가리키다 document...

6/4 숙제
The College has obtained a storage facility of 11,800 square feet, some two-tenths of a mile from the main compus, 그 대학은 얻었다 / 창고 시설을 / 11,800제곱 피트, 약 10분의 2 마일만큼 떨어진 곳에...

문제 Once ______ , the goods are then stacked in a storage facility from where they will be shipped. (a) packages (b) packaged (c) packaging (d) being packaged 내가 생각한 답과 이유 b하고 d가 정말 헷갈리네요 왜 d는...