인기정보 자료실


office worker

office worker 관련정보 안내

office worker 인천과외 갈산동 수학과외 삼산동 영어과외 부개동
It is not difficult to find an office worker studying foreign languages such 인천 갈산동 삼산동 부개동 as English, Chinese, Chinese characters and Japanese through the Noonnoppi 초등수학과외... office worker

9월 30일 영국 날씨 및 스카이가든
office worker 걱정했던 입국심사는 크게 어렵지 않았고 엄격하지만 친절한 심사관님이 'office worker'라고 쓰지 말고 구체적인 직업을 써야 한다고 입국신고서를 고쳐주며 통과됐습니다 ㅋㅋㅋ 숙소까지 들어갈 땐 오이스터 카드를 썼고...

office worker 노원구과외 공릉동 하계동 수학영어 과외 선생님
office worker Shin (28), an office worker, called the IT academy for an application development consultation on the 2nd. " I don't know how society will change as technology continues to evolve, so I think we should learn new...

office worker 인천과외 갈산동 수학과외 삼산동 영어과외 부개동
It is not difficult to find an office worker studying foreign languages such 인천 갈산동 삼산동 부개동 as English, Chinese, Chinese characters and Japanese through the Noonnoppi 초등수학과외... office worker

[영어일기] Becky's diary 7-1
shocked, if i have known this position so difficult i would change my job.. Anyway, to look young, i am considering working out every night But it is not easy for office worker to work out regularly

일본출입국신고서 작성 안내!
체류예정기간은 당일(1DAY)/ 1박2일(2DAYS) 작성하기 애매한 직업군은 Office worker - 직장인Student - 학생House wife - 주부로 가장 무난하게 작성하시면 될 것 같아요!! 체류주소는 숙박업소의 주소와 전화번호를...

지난 8월... 후쿠오카공항에서...
직업 란에는 'OFFICE WORKER(회사원)' 그런데 여권 스캔 하고, 여권 페이지랑 출입국신고서를 이리저리 뒤적거리더니... '후쿠오카에 내리시는데 오이타에 묵으시네요, 뭣 때문에 오셨습니까?' '여행입니다. 관광여행요....

영어일기 1월 14일 - Many people were at Starbucks
My village is usually croded with an office worker and most of those people gather at Starbucks. Oh! I've lived in 공덕 for 10 years. Actually I don't know why they like to go to cafe, especially Starbucks. Even on...

[예시질문] 미국 입국심사 예시 질문과 답변!
(당신의 직업은 무엇인가요?)I'm a student (학생)I'm an office worker (회사원)I'm a businessman (사업가)I'm a housewife (주부) 2. May I see your passport please? (여권을 보여주시겠어요?)Here you are (여기...

merits for office worker2
6.They can work abroad when a company offers that oppertunity. 7.They can receive help from co-worker when I have trouble.